Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday Weigh In

I have been looking forward to this week's weigh in and Weight Watchers meeting all week. I had a feeling that I was going to have a significant weight loss this week because I have worked very hard at it. I was incredibly diligent about tracking what I ate and on most days came in under my points by at least 4 and I tried to do some kind of activity for at least thirty minutes, despite being sick and having pulled my back.

I just had a good feeling. My hope was three pounds because my aunt and I have a friendly little bet going. On July 28th I'm going to the beach house my grandmother rents every year and so I said I wanted to be 275 by then, which meant 10 pounds in three and a half weeks. Doable, but tough. So this morning I step on the scale and my meeting leader whom I really love says to me, "did you expect to lose 7 pounds this week?" And my hands flew to my face and I 'm just standing there trying not to cry. Seven pounds. That's amazing to me because I had a few days a week and a half or so ago when I was just a mess and just putting food in my face trying to numb myself. And when that just made everything worse, I reached out for some help and I got right back up. Part of the emotion was knowing how hard it was to get back up and how much energy and effort I've put into Weight Watchers this week.

During the meeting, I was asked to share my total weight loss which is 25 pounds since I joined on May 16th. I got a little charm that says 25 on it to go on my 10% key chain which I haven't gotten yet and hope to reach in the next few weeks. Ten percent of my starting weight is 30 pounds.

Because I did something to my back and I couldn't run, I decided to try swimming last week. I'm a very slow swimmer, it turns out. But I enjoyed it, it really cleared my head, so after the meeting, and after babysitting for a two month old baby I adore, I went and swam for a half hour. I was thinking of going for longer but by that point I was very hungry and a little bored.

I'm grateful to have a membership to a gym with a pool since swimming is something I've realized I enjoy and something challenging for the days I don't want to run.

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