Friday, July 5, 2013

It's hot in the Upper Valley

It's a million and three degrees out, so humid I'm sticking to everything, my legs are sunburned and yet, I'm having a good day. 

No matter how awful and hard it is to get back up after falling off the health wagon, it feels so amazing to get back on. I had a great food day yesterday despite spending the whole day with friends and later at a barbecue. I came in four points under my daily target and that's with a half cup of ice cream when we went out after a few hours at the pool. It felt really good to be in control again.

I didn't weigh in last week because I was afraid to see what the scale said. My weigh in day was yesterday but Weigjt Watchers was closed due to the holiday. I was going to wait until next Thursday but I decided to go weigh in today instead. I didn't know what to expect I was just hoping not to be up from my last weigh in on June 20th which was 290.2, which was over two pounds up from the previous weigh in. But I was so excited to see that I was 285.2. Excited to the point of tears. This is really hard some days and the last few weeks have been rough and full of disappointment so to see that I can do it even when life doesn't go they way I wish it would was really affirming.

On the Weight Watchers App there's a feature to view your progress in graph or chart form. Here's a screen capture o the chart:

It's really helpful to see my progress as a whole. So I feel bummed that I went up two pounds and skipped a couple weigh ins but when I look at where I started I'm proud because I could still be 303 pounds. I'm 2 pounds from 20 down and 7 down from 25. I like having little milestones to work towards. 

I need to get back on the ball with the running thing. I get overwhelmed thinking how close September 2nd is and I start convincing myself to stop running because there's no way ill be able to run 12.4 miles. I haven't found what works to help me get past the negative self talk but I know how proud I feel when I in a distance I never have before. About three weeks ago I ran three miles in under 43 minutes and I was so emotional you'd have thought I'd given birth or something. I need to remember that feeling. 

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