Monday, June 10, 2013

Winning some, losing some

I'm still trying to shake this sadness that seems to be lingering. Today was not perfect, but I'm coming to realize that more than anything, I need to change my "all or nothing" thinking. There are going to be days that are terrible and everything goes poorly, but the only way I'm going to succeed and reach my goal weight (whatever that is, I haven't thought that far) is to keep going when things get tough. When I have a crappy food day and eat too much, or don't do any exercise, I'm going to have to shake it off and push through it.

Today was good practice. I did great until lunch. I ate a healthy breakfast, did a water aerobics class, and then ate too much at lunch and made some unhealthy choices. I had planned to go to the gym and try to run for an hour straight without stopping but I was feeling sluggish and exhausted from not eating great and my legs were killing me from the aerobics class so I stopped at two miles. But I'm pleased with that.

What I keep reminding myself over and over is to just keep moving forward. I keep this on the main page of this blog to remind myself that it might take three years to lose this weight, but it doesn't matter as long as I don't stop.

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