Sunday, June 9, 2013

Trying to find my footing

I've been trying to think of something to write about since my last post but everything I've had to say has been less than positive. The honeymoon period of this running and Weight Watchers thing is long gone and every day it's a struggle, especially because last week the grief for my job hit full force and all I wanted to do was wallow in it.

No one wants to hear me whine, though, so I've refrained from posting. I'd like to find a happy medium so I can post regularly for my own reference as the days go by because ultimately I want this to be a record of this whole process, including the times when it's tedious or boring or just going badly.

For right now, here's an image I saw on Tumblr right when I needed to see it.

I didn't write about my weigh in last week. I lost a pound, which puts me at 287.6. I was bummed about it at first, particularly because I earned 68 Activity Points, which if you're familiar with Weight Watchers you know is a hell of a lot of Activity Points. But I ate more than I had the previous two weeks (I used up all my Weekly Points plus about 36 of my Activity Points) so I had to be gentle with myself and not freak out.

I haven't done any kind of exercise since Thursday because first it was raining, then I spent all day yesterday with my friend and babysat in the evening and today I just didn't feel like it. But I have a plan for tomorrow and a plan is good to have.

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