Friday, May 17, 2013

Sometimes all you can do is put one foot in front of the other

You know when you make a stupid, thoughtless mistake that turns out to have huge, life-altering consequences? I made one of those mistakes today.

Without going into details, it has been a really rough day. The way I'm used to coping when life gets challenging is through food. Leaving work, all I really wanted to do is stock up on comfort food - pizza, ice cream, etc. and lock myself in my apartment until I was sufficiently numb. Through the grace of some power greater than myself, I didn't do it. I went to the grocery store since I had eggs and yogurt in my refrigerator and not much else, and I bought fruits and vegetables and chicken. I came home and I cleaned my kitchen, I made a healthy dinner and I ended today, a really tough day and my first day on Weight Watchers, within my points.

I'm terrified of what's going to happen regarding the mistake I made, but I would be feeling much worse if I had indulged in hurtful behaviors. So I'm going to go to bed knowing I chose myself over a temporary pleasure that would have harmed me more than helped.

Tomorrow I'm running in a 10k. My first and only 10k was a few weeks ago and I finished in an hour and forty-five minutes. My goal for tomorrow is to try and finish in an hour and forty minutes.

Here's a picture from my trip to the grocery store.

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