Thursday, May 16, 2013

Easing back in (in a big way)

This week has been about trying to get back into the healthy habits I was just starting to (re-)establish before I left for five days of whirlwind family time. It's been tricky. On Tuesday I had made a plan to go running but I did some errands instead and spent the evening with a friend being crafty. I had made plans with my sister and brother-in-law to go running yesterday (Wednesday) but it was rainy and cold and I thought about cancelling. Fortunately, my brother-in-law was up for it and his willingness made me not want to let him down. So we went out in the rain and the cold and did a total of 3.89 miles, two of which we ran. It felt amazing, especially because I ran the first mile in 13:04 which is the fastest I have ever run a mile ever. And the last tenth of the mile was uphill, so it was a huge accomplishment for me.

I've really been struggling today and yesterday with healthy eating. Today was especially rough and I didn't do any activity so I was feeling particularly down on myself.

I've been thinking about this for a while and I decided to go ahead and join Weight Watchers (again). I did it briefly for a month last Spring. I really need a plan to follow and I like the points system and the way WW gives you extra points if you are active. I know it's going to be really rough starting out. I have to get used to not being full all the time. But I like that WW encourages you to eat fruits and vegetables by making most of them worth zero points. That's one of the most important things to me right now, is making sure I eat fruits and vegetables.

Here's a picture I took of my first weigh in. Kind of bummed at the number but trying to remember that I haven't been eating great and I was fully dressed and it was the end of the day. I'm planning on my weigh ins being Friday mornings before work, but I really wanted to register and get started today and I didn't want to wait.

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