Sunday, May 19, 2013

Race re-cap: the Tuck Run for the Kids 5k and 10k

Yesterday was the 10k in Hanover. My brother-in-law did it with me. I thought I was going to do a whole "recap" but now I can't think of much to say.

We ran the first mile, walked the second, ran the third, walked until the last mile and ran about 3/4 of it. The course got pretty hilly during the second mile and my legs were hurting. Sometimes when I run my calves get really tight and after the first mile of running, they were really sore and the hills were really tough for me. But my brother-in-law was really supportive. I always feel bad when he runs with me because he's capable of going so much faster (he's training for a marathon next weekend with my sister). But he was really supportive. I definitely would not have started running again at mile three if he hadn't encouraged me to.

The last mile was the hardest. It would have been so easy to stop and just walk back to the car. By then all the volunteers had gone and we didn't really know which way we were supposed to go. But Ben had pulled up the course map on his phone. I had wanted to run the whole last mile but my legs were so sore, my hip was hurting and my knee was starting to twinge.

We finished in 1:48:48 and there wasn't anybody at the finish. They had packed up and left. But that's okay. Someday I'll be able to do a race and not be last. For now, yesterday was really hard and I'm really happy that I finished it.

Below are the stats from RunKeeper of both my 10ks. The one on the right was my first on April 27th. The one on the left is from yesterday. As you can see, the course was longer than 6.2 miles.

Afterwards, I was really craving a smoothie, so I looked at the points value for a large mango pineapple smoothie from McDonald's (9 points) so I went and got one which ended up being my lunch because I showered and then took a two and a half hour nap before I had to leave and go babysit at 3:30.

In terms of food, it ended up being a really successful day. My race had earned me 26 activity points (to use as food points if I want) but I decided not to and I came in 8 points under my total. Thankfully, the family I was babysitting for eats really healthy and I had 2 chicken sausage links, green beans and strawberries for dinner (I could have had a lot more than that, my dinner came in at 6 points.) But I wasn't all that hungry. The worst time for me came after the kids were in bed and I was bored. All I wanted to do was eat. So I made some popcorn, ate a fruit bar and made myself stay out of the kitchen after that.

I went home feeling a little hungry but not urgent about it and was able to go to sleep with out eating anything else.

This morning I've had an 8 point breakfast: 2 string cheeses, an Oikos yogurt and a cup of strawberries. My friend is coming over later and we're going to spend part of the day crafting, so hopefully that'll keep my mind and hands busy.

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