Monday, May 6, 2013

First small victory

I don't own a scale. For one thing, scales are expensive. For another, I get weird about weighing myself.

Last week I weighed myself at the gym just so I would have an idea of where I'm starting. I was 302 which is about where I expected to be. Not my highest weight ever, not something I was all that happy about, but I wasn't surprised by the number.

This morning I was ten minutes early on the way to work so I stopped in to the gym to use the scale again. I expected to have lost at least a pound or two due to being sick and not able to eat for two days, but I was very excited to see 297.6. That means last week I lost 4.4 pounds. I'm very excited. It's a super start and it makes me want to try that much harder.

1 comment:

  1. Consider yourself hugged! Thanks for all of the spontaneous hugs you freely gave me when we lived in the French house. Regardless of what you weigh, God loves you and so do many others! Don't forget that you have a big heart, and that's what makes all the difference!
