Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mid week update

I meant to write about this yesterday but it was such a busy day and I didn't get home until close to 11.

I ran three miles on the treadmill yesterday morning. I ran the first 20 minutes at 4.5 mph and I was feeling pretty great so I upped the speed to 4.7 mph and ran the last half at that pace. It felt a lot harder and I kept wanting to stop but I made it. Today my back and hip are bothering me and I'm hoping it goes away before my 3 miles tomorrow.

I was going to walk this morning but we had a snowstorm and I chose to stay in bed and sleep in. I ended up getting a fair amount of walking and exercise in from cleaning off my car and trudging to work through the snow.

This is a huge deal for me since I am so addicted to caffeine and diet soda but today is my fifth day without any diet Coke or diet Pepsi. It started completely by accident. On Saturday I realized at 7 pm that I had gone the whole day without any with hardly any thought towards it. So I decided to see if I could it for a second day. It was harder on Sunday and Monday - I had the worst headaches and I was really craving it. But I stuck to it, drank lots of water and today it's Wednesday and it's starting to feel a little easier. The headaches aren't as bad but it's the craving I get in the afternoon that's tough. I've brought lots of healthy snacks to work with me this week and that's been helping. I'm just aiming for one week at this point, any longer feels like too much to think about.

Something I was thinking about as I was running yesterday is now that I know what it feels like to run four miles, three miles doesn't seem as bad. I kept estimating how much time I had left and caught myself calculating for four miles instead of three. That's kind of fun, I never thought I'd say that.

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